NEW! Vlogger Ring Light & Backdrop Kit

July 31, 2020

Glow up your YouTube and Instagram presence with our Vlogging Backdrop Kit. As a top photography shopping store, we offer the best products to help you look your best and grow your online presence.

Our best-selling Vlogging Ring light & Backdrop Kit includes our gorgeous, dimmable ring light with white balance controls, a proprietary ring-light bracket that holds any DSLR camera, smart phone or tablet - all with one bracket! Our kit also includes our 8 foot x 8 foot reversible white/green screen (chroma key) backdrop and a product variant with optional LED video lights

The white side of the backdrop is awesome for when you are operating out of a small room and want to project a professional image (without house-cleaning!) The green screen backdrop is great for use on platforms that allow virtual backdrops - allowing you to be filming on a beach - even when you're not!

Want to see our beauty ring light in action? Check out the video!




