Experiential Retail: Why Your Retail Business Needs A Photo Booth

Experiential Retail: Why Your Retail Business Needs A HootBooth® Photo Booth

November 02, 2018

All retail businesses do their best to stay top-of-mind with their customers and generate new foot traffic. Those advertising impressions come at a big expense - especially in the competitive retail space. Clothing stores, jewelry stores, restaurants, wineries, breweries, nail and beauty salons spend thousands of dollars per month on Google Ads, Yelp advertising and more. However, to effectively compete in retail today, establishments need to use a marketing tactic called 'Experiential Retail.'  This marketing tactic builds loyalty and impressions at the same time. Your retail experience should be a destination - people will go out of their way to visit your retail establishment when you provide an immersive, authentic and hand-on experience for your customers. 

Having creative product displays, interactive classes, a helpful and friendly sales team and an inviting retail environment are all good ways to make your retail environment a memorable customer experience. Adding a social media photo booth photo from HootBooth Photo Booth is also a great addition to your Experiential Retail plan and one that will increase engagement and brand impressions in a super fun way for your customers.

Our ILLUMIN8 line of social media photo booths have crazy cool features such as face tracking filters (digital props) that can be added to single photos, animated GIF photos and Boomerang photos. The entire photo booth experience can be branded and customized for your retail establishment. The attract screen and photo overlay can include branding elements and the social sharing messaging can be tailored to in-store events and holidays. Your customers can share their photos on any social media platform and the photos can also be texted or emailed to your customer's phone. Because these photos that are shared on social media will include your branding and be seen by your customer's social graph, you will create brand impressions with potentilly new customers; people who have never yet visited your retail establishment. This is FREE marketing and can extend your brand impressions exponentially.

ILLUMIN8 Animated GIF with Face Tracking Filters

Our DSLR EventPRO photo booths are another great option if you want to let your customers print out their photos in addition to sharing on social media. They also have some amazing advanced features such as video, face morphing, survey and data collection, animated green screen and SloMo video.

If you have a branded hashtag that is part of your retail store's marketing campaign, a fun way to grow awareness of this is to buy a hashtag printer from us. Our Hashtag Printers will print Instagram and Twitter photos that have been tagged with your branded hashtag. The photo template for these photos can include your logo branded hashtag. Below is a report from an activation where our hashtag printer was used. (Keyhole.co is a hashtag printing analytics platform that we recommend for tracking the reach and engagement for branded hashtag campaigns.)

Hashtag Printer Campaign Summary from Keyhole.io

The infographic below from Forbes explains all the various facets that make for a successful Experiential Retail experience. 

Infographic on Experiential Retail
